Living in the Mystery Podcast
Namaste friend. This is a meditative, contemplative podcast sharing ideas relating to the new consciousness. Sharing concepts that are designed to challenge the traditional spiritual narrative, to open up to new insights, revelations and realisations. Each session will be offered with pace, time to pause, reflect and reconnect to your Spirit. So that you can delve into your own source of inner wisdom and activate what is true for you. We are living during incredible times where new perspectives are ushering in a fundamental paradigm shift in how we view spirituality, consciousness and our place in the world. Join me as we explore the Great Mystery. Discover more at
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Episode 2: Loving Awareness vs Self Critical Healing: Are we truly living?
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Saturday Sep 02, 2023
Why is it when we embark on a beautiful intention to heal ourselves and grow, to become more loving...that we can actually become more critical of ourselves? How can spiritual growth and healing lead to a more self critical and self judgmental mindset? What can this actually reveal to us about another way to view ourselves?
Ironically, in our pledge to discover joy, have we actually forgotten how to live?
Explore more in this session.
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Episode 1: Labels & Healing
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
How do labels play a role in how you define yourself? How do they play a role in your healing? Why is that some can heal insurmountable challenges whilst many find it difficult to heal the majority of themes. Why do some processes work for some yet not for others? As a healer I have had to be honest about the healing process which has opened me up to a new way of looking at healing. Blessings on your journey, Vaz
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Episode 0: The Global Awakening
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
This is a module / talk that was originally meant to be included in my new course: Soul Awakening; here for you to enjoy. The Global Awakening or Ascension can be seen as the collective awakening of the species. It has been spoken about in nearly all cultures, as prophesied as a Golden Age. You are living during that time now. Consciousness is shifting, upwards. This means system wide change. What does Ascension mean for you and how you can view it from a grounding perspective that makes sense for your sacred journey?
For my Soul Awakening course and the rest of my transformational courses please visit for more information.
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Welcome to the Mystery
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Namaste friend and welcome. This is my intention for this podcast and may help you understand what this is about.
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Session 1: Awakening: A Shift in Dimensional Awareness (Soul Awakening)
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Awakening is an incredible journey. It is a miracle in itself - awakening to the knowingness that you are Divine, Sacred, Pure, and Whole. It is both exciting and frightening at times. It can shake your life from one moment and shift you into a very new reality. Let us dive into the powerful process of awakening.
Session 1 is given free to offer you a taste of this course to see if it is right for you. Explore the rest of this course: Soul Awakening via Insight Timer:
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Session 1: What Is Living In the Mystery? (Living In The Mystery)
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
You are an integral part of the whole and the whole is both within you, around you, and overseeing you. We have many names for this wholeness…the Divine, the Sacred, the Oneness, the Universe. Yet at this level of reality, it is mysterious. It is unknown and unknowable. And knowing this allows us to appreciate the wonder of life we experience. When you treat your own life as mysterious, you acknowledge that you are also a part of this great mystery. Here, your life can open up in surprising and magnificent ways.
Session 1 is given free to offer you a taste of this course and see if it is right for you. Explore the rest of this course: Living In The Mystery via Insight Timer:
Monday May 01, 2023
Session 1: What is Peace? (Peace through Acceptance)
Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
What is peace? Is it a faraway experience that can only be attained when we are fully healed? This was the idea that I had originally on my journey. It led me to further believe that I was somehow unhealed and had a long way to go in my journey. But what if peace isn’t as fixed as we may believe it to be? What if peace is more encompassing than we have led ourselves to believe? When we explore these questions we begin to unravel many wisdoms and treasures that are waiting for us, radically changing how we view ourselves and what we may be seeking or chasing.
Session 1 is given free to offer you a taste of this course to see if it is right for you. Explore the rest of this course: Peace through Acceptance via Insight Timer: